Friday, May 18, 2007

Suns Bandwagon

Well most of you know that I have been working part time in Phoenix since last fall, and befitting, I have joined the bandwagon of the Suns. I went to a game in February and decided that the NBA is pretty damn exciting when the home team doesn't suck. Such was, and is, the case of the Phoenix Suns. I was mesmerized by this past Tuesday when Nash and crew just eked victory in the last few minutes...and fell asleep last night when they couldn't hold on. I still maintain it is all fixed, but with really good reason! It does tend to get your blood boiling. So my vote is with the little white guy (not being racist) even if he tends to be a ball hog on occasion. Tonight I am in Chicago, and spent the night watching the Bulls and Pistons, not really into it as much as my new surrogate team, but there is something about playoff time that makes you really enjoy a sport so tainted by corporate greed and punk-ass players. I mean really, Sprewell, Anthony, HORRY! Punk Ass players. Too bad there is no justification for higher education. Ah well...I can't blame them, they get to buy they mama a new house, and I don't. But at least I can complete a sentence. WORD.

Monday, May 7, 2007

The Scavo Wars

As embarrassed as I am to admit it, I secretly love Desperate Housewives even though it actually brought some turmoil to our quiet abode. After dinner and baths and stories and kid chaos, when the eye-lid theater beckons the babies to enter a quiet slumber...we sneak off to the family room to enjoy our Sunday night drama. Tivo rocks. If you are a fan then you can appreciate our Scavo war. I mentioned to Cindy that I felt sorry for poor Tom, stuck at home and in pain...his wife seeking attention from the Iron Eagle. She gave me the "lip-curl" and said "What?! Lynette is the one who should endure our sympathy." And so she goes, giving up her job to stand by her husband, the cooking and cleaning, caring for 5 kids...yada yada. Dude, HE is the one who has been oppressed, unable to seek his dream and when he FINALLY does, it is never good enough. He endures bossy Beazus who runs the household with an iron fist. "He sunk their life savings into a pizza parlor, which will probably not last!" she says to me. Well of course not, it is destined to fail if she isn't behind it! In the end, we agree to disagree. Dreamers of the world unite...and join the fight against pragmatism. Long live the pizzeria and down with the gourmet!

Friday, May 4, 2007


While waiting impatiently for a flight last night, I was reading an article in my Fast Company magazine on the cult status of Whataburger. It made my mouth water. Cindy and I have had a huge affection for Whataburger since the dawn of time. But since our tenure in NWA began, we have been in severe withdrawal. The article was catchy and spoke of management style and values and blah blah...we love it for its food! There is something highly addictive in their Ketchup (not Catsup) and it makes their fries and burgers seem like little nuggets of heaven on earth. Don't get me wrong, Mickey D's fries are good and all, but they don't hold a candle to the elusive popcorn-box-o-fries from the orange A-frame. I purposefully leave 30 minutes early when driving to Tulsa to fly Southwest just to have time to visit my favorite foody house, well that and to go to Academy, but that's a different post all together. Driving through the state of Texas, passing every giant orange and blue "W" on I-35 is like being 6 again roaming the toy aisle at Kmart; elated to see the possibilities, but fending off a tantrum because mom said no. There is just something magical about hearing that crackling speaker chirping "would you like to Whata-size that, sugar?" Uh, there is no need to even ask. So who cares that the Whata-sized soda is the size of a super's all good since its DIET Dr. Pepper. Well, happy thoughts and Whata-dreams to you...the Whata-end.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Traveling Thoughts

I am sitting at DFW waiting for a flight that has been delayed nearly three hours, it is almost 11pm. Ironically, we are waiting on flight attendants to arrive from Little Rock. Are they walking? I have been to Chicago and Phoenix over the last 48 hrs and I am exhausted, perhaps that is why I feel like a prolific writer...well, that and I am finally rid of the 80's hangover. This week is proof that being a road warrior is not all limos and paparazzi...yes, I know I say that all the time...but it's true. Ever have those days where nothing goes right and you are always on the defensive? I hate those days, I like the feeling of being in control and those days take that feeling away from me. Anyway, I am enjoying some good people watching. I think I could truly write a book just chronicling my days on the road. There are some colorful creatures stuffed into airports across the country. There are people on cots making their nests for the night...I pray I do not get stuck here...if so I will be pissed. I hate Dallas in the spring, nearly as bad as Chicago in the winter. I spent some time kickin around on MySpace. That site is like crack, I just can't stop looking at people. High School class mates combined with college peeps tends to offer hours of entertainment. Some of these people look really old. You better not be saying that about me or no more pics of fun events! So...OOHH OOHH...flight attendants are in the house! Looks like I may just get lucky! Gotta jet. Word to your mother, peace out and all that.