Friday, August 15, 2008

ROCK BAND...tiny addiction...

So I thought my Guitar Hero III for the Wii was the BEST rock out game ever...until this past weekend Truck and I started playing Rock Band on PS3...holy shnikes...karaoke is a piece of cake with a pitch indicator, I was so excited I almost wet my pants...although now that I think about it maybe it was the beer which almost made me wet my pants, either way, it almost happened. Excitement permeates the streets of Stoney Creek along with the muffled sound of our garage band...we call them the latexbandits...don't ask, it's another story. Bon Jovi covers will never be the same...if only they had some Firehouse or White Snake! We each have names, however I will keep those out of the blog. I don't want admiring fans, groupies, or band-aids rushing the garage door every time it opens. Have your people call my people and we'll party, that's how we roll. Rock On homeys...

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